Kyoichi Suga
Best In Class Producers Inc.
Kyoichi Suga, CEO of Best In Class Producers Inc., Kyoichi serves as Best In Class Producers Inc.,’s Chief Executive Officer, responsible for creating the communication scenario to help connect companies and their customers utilizing data and technology in this digital era . Previously, Kyoichi had worked at Asahi Advertising Inc., one of the oldest advertising agencies in Japan for 17 years, where he was a Director, responsible for the online sales and digital marketing teams. In 2010, he engaged in an assessment test of Attribution Management, which is the first in Japan, by collaborating with MediaMind Technologies’ 3rd party ad server and Adobe SiteCatalyst. He has since supported next generation digital marketing for companies with the philosophy of integrating cutting edge marketing technologies with communication planning. Kyoichi graduated Aoyama Gakuin University and has a Masters in Marketing certified by the Japan Marketing Association.